What to Look for in a Healthcare Platform Development Company?

META-15-1024x538 What to Look for in a Healthcare Platform Development Company?

Healthcare is undergoing a revolution in the way it delivers care. Unlike other industries that slowly adopt a trend and gradually make a permanent place in the ecosystem, the healthcare industry has witnessed some trends that suddenly left a mark in the industry that are even relevant today.

Let that be the adoption of radiology or the recent skyrocketed shift towards telehealth platforms. Before the pandemic, only 7% of the people had virtual consultations. This skyrocketed from 7% to 32% in 2020, and it continues to grow at a steady pace today.

This digital revolution was brought about by healthcare practices adopting healthcare software solutions. During the pandemic, healthcare platform development turned from a trend to a necessity since it showed not only its potential but also the missing link in the transformation of the industry from reactive to proactive.

Amidst these talks of digital transformation of the industry, healthcare technology providers and healthcare software developers have had a huge impact on making the landscape sustainable. Healthcare platform development is the core of your digital practice, and that is why finding a reliable healthcare app development platform is so important.

But if you search the internet, everyone seems to be claiming the best in healthcare software development; how do you find the best one?

Well, in this blog, let’s see how to choose a healthcare platform development company that suits your needs and what things to consider.

Expertise in Healthcare Technology

Expertise-in-Healthcare-Technology-1024x576 What to Look for in a Healthcare Platform Development Company?

When you set out finding a reliable healthcare app development partner, start with their expertise in developing healthcare software. Since there are a lot of complex compliances that the software should adhere to, such as HIPAA, HITECH, or GDPR, the healthcare software developers’ expertise comes in handy there.

Along with that, you want your healthcare technology providers to have a deeper understanding of the clinical workflows and regulations to define the clinical care delivery process. Since both healthcare providers and patients will be using the software, the workflow defines how the care is delivered.

To make this care delivery possible, you’ll need to interact with other healthcare technologies, such as EHR integration and telehealth solutions. This process of healthcare software development becomes easier when you choose a healthcare technology provider who has expertise in medical platform development.

HIPAA Compliance for Healthcare Platform Development
Free Consultation

Proven Track Record & Portfolio

Did you know the core features of a successful healthcare platform are its features itself?

Well, yes, because features define the functionality of your custom healthcare solutions, which can be easily reflected in their portfolio. Ask the healthcare technology providers for their custom healthcare solutions, as you can get an idea about their healthcare platform development process and if they can develop the software that you need.

Going through their case studies about healthcare software development and testimonials of their past clients can help you read between the lines and know the healthcare technology providers better.

Tip: While looking for their previous projects, evaluate the design quality and functionality of the healthcare platforms!

Strong Development Process & Communication

Strong-Development-Process-Communication-1024x576 What to Look for in a Healthcare Platform Development Company?

Every team of healthcare software developers has different development processes. However, on a base level, they choose either waterfall or agile. In such cases, you need to ensure that the best practices for healthcare platform development are followed. Along with that, you also need to evaluate your needs.

Proactively asking your healthcare technology providers what methodology of development they’re using can help you better plan the healthcare app development process. Furthermore, ensure that the healthcare software developers choose a transparent and agile development methodology to easily track the development process.

One of the things you need to ask for is a dedicated team for your healthcare platform development. The team should include developers, designers, and project managers. Once the team is dedicated for your platform development, maintain regular communication with them to keep you in the loop until your healthcare platform development completes.

Scalability & Security

Since you’re choosing custom healthcare solutions from the software development company, take complete advantage of it. Your healthcare practice is bound to grow with time, which will also increase the load on your healthcare platform, won’t it?

Demand to make your healthcare platform scalable and easily accommodatable for future growth. Though this might have many lucrative benefits in the long run, it should not compromise the security of the software. Ask the healthcare software development professionals to prioritize robust security measures and protect patient data, this will help you in maintaining integrity of your practice.

Apart from that, adopt best practices for healthcare platform development for security such as regular security audits and penetration testing. This will not only give you deeper insights about the healthcare platform but also help you navigate the legal healthcare landscape easily.

Cost & Timeline Considerations

Cost-Timeline-Considerations-1024x576 What to Look for in a Healthcare Platform Development Company?

Most healthcare software development companies are said to be providing affordable healthcare IT services and software development. However, in reality, healthcare app development is a costly affair. Get quotes from all the shortlisted healthcare software development companies and try to find out the actual cost of developing a healthcare platform. This will give you a clear idea about the budget and choosing the right healthcare technology providers for your healthcare application development.

However, some of the things that determine the cost of developing a healthcare platform that you should know are:

  • Ownership rights

  • Healthcare software development

  • Features and integrations

  • Customization and maintenance

  • Ongoing support

Last but not least thing to consider is the realistic timeline submission of the project. Most of the companies commit to a date but fail to deploy the software on that date, further delaying the entire clinical workflow of your practice.


It is a fact that finding a reliable healthcare app development partner is a daunting task. You have to go through a dozen websites, conduct multiple calls, and analyze their offers very keenly. However, if you’ve managed to survive this article till here, then let this be your guide to how to choose a healthcare platform development company.

One of the best ways to choose the company is to choose a healthcare software development company that understands your needs and requirements properly and does not compromise on the security and functionality of your software.

Furthermore, if you’re tired of finding a reliable healthcare app development partner, then click here to book a free consultation and discuss your project requirements for holistic development of your healthcare software.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the key features to consider for a healthcare platform Development?

Here are some key features to consider for a healthcare platform development:

  • Secure user management and authentication
  • Comprehensive patient medical records management
  • Appointment scheduling and telemedicine capabilities
  • Real-time health data monitoring and analytics
  • Secure communication channels for patients and providers
2. What experience does the development company have in healthcare projects?

To assess a development company’s experience in healthcare projects, look for these clues:

  • Industry experience: Does the company mention healthcare as an industry they serve on their website or portfolio?
  • Healthcare-specific services: Do they offer services specific to healthcare development, like HIPAA compliance or telehealth app development?
  • Case studies: Do they have case studies showcasing their work on healthcare projects?

If you find these indicators, the company likely has experience in healthcare development. However, the absence of these clues doesn’t necessarily mean they lack experience. It’s always best to directly ask the company about their healthcare development experience.

3. How does the company ensure compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA?

Companies can ensure HIPAA compliance through a multi-pronged approach:

  • Employee training: Regularly train staff on HIPAA regulations and proper handling of Protected Health Information (PHI).
  • Technical safeguards: mplement secure IT systems that encrypt PHI, control access, and audit activity logs.
  • Physical safeguards: Secure storage facilities for PHI and policies for handling paper documents and devices.
  • Administrative safeguards: Establish written policies and procedures for HIPAA compliance, including risk assessments and incident response plans.
4. What methodologies does the company employ in healthcare platform development?

Two main methodologies dominate healthcare platform development:

  • Agile: Agile: This iterative approach prioritizes flexibility and user feedback. Think of it as building in stages, getting input, then refining. It’s great for adapting to changes and keeping the platform user-friendly in the healthcare space.
  • Waterfall: Waterfall: This traditional method has a linear, step-by-step process. It excels in well-defined projects with clear requirements upfront. However, healthcare regulations and user needs can evolve, so Agile’s adaptability is often preferred.
5. How much does it cost to develop a healthcare platform?

Developing a healthcare platform can cost anywhere between $50,000 and millions of USD, depending on its complexity. Here’s a breakdown:

  • A basic platform with essential features can cost around $50,000.
  • A complex platform with advanced features and functionalities can reach millions of dollars.
6. What are the security and compliance considerations for healthcare platforms?

Healthcare platforms juggle patient privacy and security. Here’s what they need to consider:

  • Compliance: Follow HIPAA (US) or GDPR (EU) for data handling and security. This ensures the protection of patient information.
  • Data Security: Use strong encryption to store and transmit data. Regular security audits and staff training are crucial.
  • Access Controls: Only authorized personnel should access patient data. Multi-factor authentication and access levels by role help.
7. How can I find the best healthcare platform development company for my needs?

You can assess some of the healthcare software development companies from the internet. Or click here to book a call with Thinkitive, who has 9+ years of serving the healthcare IT industry.

8 .How does the company approach data security and privacy concerns in healthcare applications?

Healthcare apps handle sensitive data, so security and privacy are paramount. Companies should focus on two areas:

  • Data Security: This involves protecting patient data from unauthorized access. Strong measures include encryption, regular software updates, and employee training to prevent hacks and breaches.
  • Data Privacy: This ensures control over patient information. The company should get clear patient consent for data collection and use and have strong policies on how data is shared with third parties.
9. What ongoing support and maintenance services does the company offer after the platform is deployed?

Many companies offer various ongoing support and maintenance services after deploying a platform. These can include:

  • Monitoring: Continuously tracking system performance and security to prevent issues.
  • Helpdesk: Providing technical support to answer questions and troubleshoot problems.
  • Security patching: Regularly updating the platform with security fixes to address vulnerabilities.
  • Maintenance: Performing updates and bug fixes to keep the platform functioning smoothly.
  • Enhancements: Adding new features or functionalities based on client needs.

This ensures the platform stays up-to-date, secure, and meets your evolving needs.

Ganesh Varahade

Founder & CEO of Thinkitive Technologies.

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