Bridging Gaps, Enhancing Care: The Power of Integrated EHR and Mobile App Solutions


Healthcare, EHR


Python, Angular, TypeScript, REST, SOAP, Web Services


The client currently manages their clinical practice using multiple systems, which became cumbersome with the expansion of services. Seeking efficiency, they looked for an all-inclusive EHR software solution. Additionally, acknowledging the significance of patient engagement, they desired a mobile app enabling seamless connection for consultations and health document sharing. Patients also seek secure access to their personal healthcare records stored within the EHR.

To address these needs, the client entrusted Thinkitive with developing an integrated EHR system. This system would seamlessly integrate with a patient mobile application, offering comprehensive functionality to enhance clinic operations and patient-provider interactions.

Business challenges

    1. System Fragmentation:

    Managing clinical operations across multiple systems led to inefficiencies and duplication of efforts, hindering workflow optimization and staff productivity.

    2. Limited Patient Engagement:

    Without a dedicated mobile application, patient engagement opportunities were limited, impacting communication between patients and providers and potentially affecting patient satisfaction and outcomes.

    3. Risk of errors and non-compliance:

    Data fragmentation and manual processes increased the risk of errors and potential non-compliance with regulations.

image showing typical workflow of dermatology emr software


    1. Integrated EHR System:

    Our technical team at Thinkitive developed a comprehensive EHR software solution that seamlessly integrates various clinical functionalities into a single platform. Key technical implementations include:

  • Unified Platform:

    Consolidated all clinical operations, including patient scheduling, billing, electronic health records, and prescription management, into a single integrated platform.

  • Automated Workflows:

    Implemented automated workflows to streamline administrative tasks, reducing manual errors and improving operational efficiency.

  • Data Standardization:

    Utilized HL7 and FHIR standards to ensure uniform data formatting, facilitating interoperability and data exchange with third-party systems such as laboratories and pharmacies.

  • Role-Based Access Control:

    Implemented robust access control mechanisms to ensure data security and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, safeguarding patient information from unauthorized access.

    2. Patient Mobile Application:

    In addition to the integrated EHR system, we developed a complete a mobile application using secure and compliant frameworks like React Native for iOS and Android.

    Key technical implementations include:

  • Secure Authentication:

    Implemented secure authentication mechanisms such as biometric authentication or OAuth for patient login, ensuring secure access to personal healthcare records.

  • Health Document Sharing:

    Enabled patients to securely share health documents, images, and test results with healthcare providers through the mobile application, enhancing communication and collaboration.

  • Real-Time Appointment Scheduling:

    Integrated real-time appointment scheduling functionality, allowing patients to conveniently schedule appointments, view appointment reminders, and receive notifications directly through the mobile application.

  • Secure Messaging:

    Implemented secure messaging features to facilitate communication between patients and providers, enabling patients to ask questions, request prescription refills, or discuss health concerns securely directly through the mobile application.

Value Delivered

  • 40% Reduction in Manual Data Entry:

    By streamlining workflows with automation, medical staff’s valuable time upto 40% was saved which was previously spent on administrative tasks.

  • 25% Increase in Patient Engagement:

    The mobile app offered patients convenient access to their information and facilitated communication, resulting in higher engagement.

  • 99.9% System Uptime and Zero Data Breaches:

    Cloud-based deployment and robust security measures ensured data safety and system reliability.

  • Improved Patient Satisfaction:

    Patients had easier access to information and enhanced their communication with providers resulted in higher patient satisfaction scores.

"Working with Thinkitive has been an exceptional experience for our clinic. Their expertise in developing an integrated EHR system and patient mobile application has truly transformed our operations. The streamlined workflows and improved efficiency have allowed us to focus more on delivering quality patient care. Additionally, the patient mobile app has significantly enhanced patient engagement, enabling seamless communication and health document sharing. We are impressed with the technical expertise and dedication of the Thinkitive team, and we highly recommend their services to any healthcare organization looking to enhance their operations and patient experience."