Client Requirements
The client wanted a platform for the patient where the patient can log in and check all their health-related stuff, which includes
Add check-ins
Check reviews added by the provider after reviewing check-ins
Connect to Device
Accept/Decline assigned RPM or Diet program
Take the assessment and check reviews on it
Check alerts on the submitted assessment
Create his own Diet plan
Add diet entries for each day and submit them to the provider for review
Chat with provider
The primary challenge was to develop a scalable and user-friendly platform with all the features relevant to the patient and easily accessible to old age people. Also, the client already has one common portal for providers and patients, developed using template-based architecture. The client wanted us to create a REST API-based application and make the architecture loosely coupled.
Thinkitive Solution
Thinkitive understood the client's concern and devised a solution to separate portals for the patient and provider. We discussed the same with the client. With all the functional requirements and non-functional requirements. We have created epics, stories, and all sub-task with all the acceptance criteria test plans per the client's requirements, added estimation to the stories, and shared it with the client. The client agreed to the solution and the flow we would flow during the development process. We have decided to give releases in the incremental approach to achieve the deadline quickly. Thinktive delivered all the modules within the given time to the client and took the responsibility of production deployment along with the maintenance of the application, bug fixes, and addition of any new functionality.
![Architecture Diagram for Ease of Access for Patients to their Health data](/Deployment_flow_diagram_desktop.3249966a.png)
The dashboard module includes all the essential information that needs patients' attention.
We have implemented alerting module which will send an alert to the patient if
i. The provider assigned any diet or RPM program to the patient.
ii. Sent assessment to the patient.
iii. Add the review to the check-ins, assessments, and diet submitted by the patient.
iv. The provider has sent a message to the patient.
The To-do list was also present on the dashboard.
The patient can accept/decline the program from the to-do list.
From the dashboard, the patient can take the ARC assessment and standard assessment.
Create your diet plan and submit the diet to the provider.
Can check the notifications
Can check the recent reviews added by the provider on the check-ins
Can see the details of his Care team member
From this module, we can add the check-ins and notes along with the tags, like when the patient has taken the check-ins.
From this module, we can add the check-ins and notes along with the tags, like when the patient has taken the check-ins.
Can see the graphical implementation of the check-ins with their recent values
Can also check the review added by the provider to the submitted check-ins
The filters were also present to check the check-ins for the Last 10 days, the Last 30 Check-ins, the Last 10 Check-ins, etc.
From the module, the patient can connect to his health devices.
From this module, the patient can connect or disconnect to his health device or also from the device that the client provides to the patient.
Can accept/decline the diet or RPM program assigned by the provider to the patient
You can check the vitals covered in the assigned RPM program, and for the diet program, you can check the diet conditions the provider covers.
Can check the historical program that was assigned to him
A patient can chat with the provider
A patient can take the assessment and check the score sent by the provider on the assessment.
Can get a message from the bot if the entered reading of the vital is too high or low, which is an alerting message
Assessment/ARCS Assessment
From this module, the patient can take the assessment sent by the provider.
Can check the alerts if present on the reading or answers to the questions present in the assessment
Can check the review shared by the provider on the assessment
Can send a request to the provider to again send the assessment if its mode of taking the assessment is of SMS or phone call
Can check completed or not completed assessments
Can check historical data of the assessments
Diet Tracker
The patient can set his diet plan if the provider has not assigned any diet program to him
Can accept the diet program and follow it
The patient can add the food intake of the whole day as what he had in breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Can check can the insights of calories, fats, proteins, fibers, and carbs based on the food intake he had
Can measure the daily calorie intake with the set goal based on food consumption
Can measure the daily water intake
Can create a daily meal and add it
Can check the review shared by the provider on the submitted diet
Can check the historical data or reviews shared by the provider
The patient can update his basic details and address details
Reset the password
Can change the preferred languages, and the portal will translate into that language
Can change their preference for taking ARC assessments
Technologies and tools
Infrastructure: Cloud-based (AWS), SES, API Gateway, SNS, Lambda, S3, Cloudwatch, SQS, EC2
Backend: PHP Laravel
Frontend: React JS
Database: PostgreSQL
Value Delivered
Single platform: Created a single user-friendly platform that covers all the required modules for the patient. The portal can be easily accessible to old-age patients.
Assessment Features: From the portal, the patient can take the assessment and have the feature to resend the assessment if the assessment sent by the Provider has the mode of taking the assessment as SMS or voice.
Diet Tracke: From the portal, the patient can add and submit his diet and check the Provider's review of the submitted diet. Using this module, the patient can keep track of calories, carbs, protein, fats, and fiber and create his diet goal/plan if the Provider still needs to assign a diet program.
Vital Check-ins: Previously, the patient needed to connect with the Provider to add his vitals, but from the patient portal, the patient can directly add manual vital and can also check the reviews of the Provider along with the graphical representation of the vital entries submitted by him or added from the health device.
Consolidated Dashboard: The Dashboard has the view to show all recent health-related updates received from the Provider.
Cross-Device platform: Create Cordova App for the website, allowing users to access the website as a mobile app on television and mobile phones.
Real-time notifications: On the portal, patients can receive real-time notifications of the reviews added by the Provider to the submitted assessments, check-ins, and diet. Also, we providers assign any program or send any message.
Ease of Connect to Device: The patient can connect or disconnect to his health device or also from the device that the Provider has provided to the patient
Functional Flow diagram
![Functional Flow diagram for Ease of Access for Patients to their Health data](/flow_diagram_desktop.f1fbfa55.jpg)