Client Requirements
The client was a SAAS Healthcare IOT solutions provider. They were delivering platforms that provide remote patient healthcare and monitoring for preventive care and chronic disease management.
The client wanted to enhance their remote patient services by adding more care features. They also wanted to implement additional services like program and partner management.
The client has particular requirements that the program manager handles all care programs required to treat RPM patients. They wanted to leverage more functionality to manage care programs centrally and make them readily available for providers.
The client wanted to add partner management services to existing RPM applications to connect with multiple providers and health professionals. It includes pharmacy, Radiology, labs, and other healthcare providers.
Thinkitive Solution
Thinkitive's business professionals take a call with clients, understand their requirements thoroughly, and document them. The team explored the client's existing applications and workflows for better understanding.
Furthermore, the team has researched how to implement solutions requested by the client. The team identified two to three possible solutions. They presented the solutions to clients, who had specific requirements. The presentation included effort estimations and risk analysis.
After several discussions, clients have finalized the Solution and scope with a specific timeline. Thinkitive forms a team of developers and test engineers with domain knowledge experts and start working on the project.
The thinkitive team delivers the solutions and functionalities on top of existing RPM applications listed below:
Program management
Personalized Care program with sessions
Partner onboarding and management
Partner platforms
Video and recorded session
Solution Highlights
The Thinkitive team has developed a comprehensive custom remote patient monitoring solution. It assists in managing their patient's health remotely, resulting in better patient outcomes and lower healthcare expenses.
The Program Management Services
1. The thinkitive team has developed a Program management module that the program manager can handle.
2. Program managers can create multiple care programs and maintain a library that can be readily available for providers to use.
3. The program manager can bill the provider for each program. This should be done according to the Fee Schedule for an Add on service. Valid CPT codes must also be included.
4. The program manager can communicate with the provider, patient, partner & clinic POC for program-related activities.
Create a Customizable Care program with sessions
The program manager can create a custom care program and add details like
1. Program eligibility and criteria,
2. Health goals to achieve,
3. Specialty and disease,
4. Lifestyle trackers (Diet, activity, sleep, and Weight ),
5. Vitals to track and required devices,
6. On-demand healthcare sessions,
7. Session schedule and assign partner,
8. Dynamic questionnaires and assessments,
PMs can add various goals related to chronic conditions and their severity. These goals may be trackable or non-trackable. Examples include vitals tracking, devices required, and healthcare sessions.
PM can configure alert settings, threshold levels, audience caregiver, and alert type, whether Push notifications, text, or email alerts.
Partner Onboarding and Management
The thinkitive team has added a partner module in the Super admin platform. The super admin can create a partner to provide patient services when required.
Partners can be Health coaches, specialized health experts, and nutritionists. It also includes pharmacy distributors, Lab and radiology providers, ambulance service providers, and other service providers as part of healthcare.
Partner Platforms
Partner can receive the notification on his mobile app or as a text message when any task is assigned.
Partners can complete those tasks, mark them as completed, and request payment.
Partner can communicate with provider, patient, and POC anytime through audio call, text, and email when necessary.
Healthcare experts can take a session with patients, provide education, and be billed separately.
Program Cost Management
The program manager can create a bill for the program by entering the below details:
1. Patient details
2. Program assigned
3. Program cost
4. Sessions and applicable CPT codes as per fee schedule
5. Add-on services provided by partners and charges with CPT codes
Value Delivered
Ready to use care program library saves provider time in creating the program for each patient.
Personalized Specialty and disease-specific care programs are leveraging better patient care.
Partner services enhance patient satisfaction with more convenient services at their doorstep.
Program cost management and automatic invoice generation make easy revenue reporting.