Elevating Revenue Performance: A Success Story with Thinkitive's Risk Adjustment Module


Healthcare, EHR


Python, Angular, TypeScript, REST, SOAP, Web Services


Our client, a leading healthcare organization in the United States, envisioned revolutionizing their healthcare management approach by developing a state-of-the-art Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. They sought to integrate value-added services such as Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) into the EHR alongside a risk adjustment module focusing on Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) coding.

Additionally, the client desired to incorporate a Virtual Scribe feature to enhance clinical documentation efficiency. Recognizing Thinkitive's extensive expertise in healthcare technology, they entrusted us with this pivotal project.

Business challenges

    1. Fragmented Healthcare Management:

    The lack of integration between disparate systems hindered seamless patient care delivery, leading to inefficiencies in managing chronic conditions and remote patient monitoring.

    2. Complex Coding Processes:

    Manual HCC coding procedures resulted in inaccuracies and delays, impacting risk adjustment and revenue optimization.

    3. Documentation Burdens:

    Clinicians faced significant documentation burdens, detracting from patient care quality and productivity.

image showing typical workflow of dermatology emr software


Thinkitive, leveraging its vast experience in healthcare IT, designed and implemented a comprehensive EHR system tailored to the client's needs. The solution encompassed:

    1. Comprehensive EHR Platform:

    We develop a cloud-based EHR system using modern web technologies for intuitive interfaces. Through intuitive interfaces and customizable workflows, clinicians can efficiently navigate patient records and streamline administrative tasks, enhancing overall clinic efficiency and productivity. APIs facilitate integration with existing systems, ensuring seamless data flow and interoperability across the healthcare ecosystem.

    2. Integrated Value-Added Services (CCM and RPM):

    We integrate Chronic Care Management (CCM) and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) functionalities directly into the EHR system. We leverage IoT devices and wearables to capture patient health metrics, transmitting data securely to the EHR platform. Clinicians access dashboards to monitor patient status and set personalized care plans. This allows clinicians to remotely monitor patient health metrics, track medication adherence, and provide proactive care interventions, improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.

-  Patient Health Matrics

-  Track Medication Adherence

    3. Risk Adjustment Module with HCC Coding:

    Our EHR includes a specialized risk adjustment module focusing on Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) coding. This feature automates the coding process, ensuring accurate risk assessment for optimized reimbursements and financial performance. By streamlining documentation and coding workflows, clinicians can efficiently capture relevant patient data and improve revenue capture.

-  Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) coding

-  Automates the coding process

-  Accurate risk assessment

    4. Virtual Scribe Integration:

    We seamlessly integrated a Virtual Scribe feature leveraging advanced technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and speech recognition. This innovative solution assists clinicians in real-time documentation, reducing documentation burdens and enhancing clinical workflow efficiency. With Virtual Scribe, clinicians can focus more on patient care while ensuring accurate and comprehensive documentation.

-  Real-time documentation

-  Accurate and comprehensive documentation

Value Delivered

  • Comprehensive Healthcare Management:

    The integrated CCM, RPM, and risk adjustment functionalities enabled holistic patient care management, leading to improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

  • Optimized Revenue Performance:

    Automated HCC coding processes ensure accurate risk assessment and revenue optimization, enhancing the financial performance of the healthcare organization.

  • Enhanced Clinical Workflow:

    The Virtual Scribe feature streamlines documentation processes, allowing clinicians to focus more on patient care, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.

  • Innovative Solutions Leadership:

    By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and value-added services, our clients establish themselves as leaders in healthcare innovation, setting new standards for patient-centric care and operational excellence.

"Thanks to Thinkitive's innovative EHR solution, our clinic has seen a remarkable transformation. The seamless integration of CCM and RPM services has revolutionized our patient care approach, while the Virtual Scribe feature has significantly reduced our documentation workload. "