From Charge-Based Systems to EMR: Enhancing Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery


Healthcare, EMR


Python, Angular, TypeScript, REST, SOAP, Web Services


Our client, a leading healthcare organization in the United States, has been at the forefront of providing quality patient care for several years. Operating multiple clinics across various locations, they have relied on a charge-based system for their day-to-day operations. However, faced with limitations in functionality and escalating costs, the client seeks to transition to their own Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. The client approached Thinkitive for the project based on our extensive expertise in delivering healthcare services and our impressive track record of successful projects.

Business challenges

    1. Limited Functionality:

The system lacked essential features required for seamless clinic operations, such as patient registration, scheduling, encounter documentation, and post-bill management.

    2. Higher Operational Costs:

The client incurred significant expenses associated with the charge-based system, including licensing fees and reliance on third-party vendors.

    3. Inefficient Workflows:

Manual processes and fragmented systems led to inefficiencies in patient care delivery, scheduling, and encounter process, impacting overall clinic productivity and staff satisfaction.

workflow diagram of aesthetic emr software


Our team begins with developing an EMR solution tailored to the client's specific requirements. The project was divided into milestones, with each milestone focusing on delivering key functionalities:

    1. Milestone 1: Patient Registration and Charting

    In the first milestone, we focused on developing robust patient registration and charting functionalities. Key features included:

-  User-friendly interfaces for seamless patient registration and data entry.

-  Comprehensive charting tools to capture and manage patient information efficiently.

    2. Milestone 2: Scheduling and Encounter Documentation

    The second milestone centered on enhancing scheduling and encounter documentation processes. Highlights of this phase included:

-  Advanced scheduling features allow clinics to manage availability, appointment types, and calendars effectively.

-  Implementation of encounter documentation tools, including SOAP notes, to streamline clinical workflows and ensure accurate documentation.

    3. Milestone 3: Bill Management and Role-Based Access

    In the final milestone, we addressed bill management and role-based access requirements. Key components of this phase included:

-  Features enabling clinics to manage post-bill activities, such as entering paid bills and tracking remaining balances.

-  Implementation of role-based access controls to ensure secure data handling and compliance with privacy regulations.

Value Delivered

  • 30% Reduction in Provider’s Time:

    Clinic staff reported a 30% reduction in provider time, allowing them to focus more on patient care and less on paperwork and manual data entry.

  • 90% User Satisfaction Rate:

    Feedback from clinic staff indicated a 90% satisfaction rate with the new EMR solution, citing improved usability, efficiency, and functionality.

  • Improved Revenue Cycle Management:

    The implementation of post-bill management features led to improved revenue cycle management, with clinics experiencing faster billing cycles and reduced outstanding balances.

Don't simply take our word for it; listen to testimonials from satisfied client:

"By connecting with Thinkitive, we've successfully transitioned to an EMR that meets our specific needs and budget. The phased (Milestone) approach allowed us to gradually implement new features and train our staff effectively. We've seen a significant reduction in costs, improved patient care workflows, and increased staff satisfaction."